Category: Daddy

October 31st 2008

Today Cristian had a pretty good day. He seemed to be more alert. The doctors have him off the sedation. His chest x-rays seem ok. We bought decorations and had a super hero come visit Cristian plus take pictures with him.

October 27th 2008

Cristian has done so well with the C-Pap test. Normally they are conducted for 30 minutes every 4 hours but Cristian has even gotten some for 45 minutes and even an hour. The doctors felt that he did so well on the C-Pap test that it was time to extabate him.

October 26th 2008

Cristian was very alert today. I read books to him, massaged him and we watched his favorite dvds. Cristian seems to be doing very well with the C-Pap test. I was with Cristian 8am to 2pm and again 8pm to 8am Sunday night.

October 24th 2008

Cristian is still pretty unalert. He is still doing well with his C-Pap test. They do a chest X-ray daily and its seems to be ok. Cristian has alot of secretion. Cristian is constantly being suctioned.

October 22nd 2008 (Noon)

Dr.Soweidane said that the Catscan is showing a loop on the tubing coming from the shunt. Cristian will have to go into surgery in a few to rule that out, as the cause of the problem, Cristian is having. There doesn’t appear to be excess fluids building.

October 21st 2008

Jenelle Text me a little after 12 noon to hurry to the hospital because Cristian was working too hard to breathe and they didn’t know how long he could keep it up. This was horrible. I was so worried when I was driving to the hospital.

October 19th 2008

Cristian had many visitors today. My uncle, Pastor Fito and his wife along with another Pastor and his wife came to pray for Cristian. They came from Philadelphia. It took them over five and a half hours to get here. Nothing stopped them. They arrived five minutes before visiting hours were over.