
January 8th 2009

My long time friend Kamar Delosreyes has been telling me about some products which studies are being conducted on and getting incredible results. In one case someone with a brain stem tumor was given just a few weeks to live and that person’s tumor is now gone!! Today I met with one of the doctors and spoke to another one over the phone who developed the products on a conference with Jenelle. The products, which Jenelle and I have started giving Cristian today, are Ultimate Geo Cure #2, Ultimate Calcium, Ultimate Liquid Vitmains, Ultimate Minerals. These four products should help the cells in Cristian’s body become active as well as rid themselves of toxins (revitalizing the cellular structure). This will ultimately help the body to fight the Tumor. Both doctors are going to study Cristian’s medical history and go over a move forward plan that would allow him so many GREAT options that aren’t available elsewhere. You have no idea how we feel right now. There is new hope. God is Great!!!

John “Gungie” Rivera
Forever Cristian’s Daddy