Category: Daddy

January 25th 2009

Cristian Rivera born 9/13/02 and passed away in the loving arms of Mommy and Daddy at around 6am today. Cristian’s blood pressure dropped so much, his fever was so high and his heart gave up.

January 23rd 2009-Morning

Joe, Dylan’s father (, came to visit Cristian at Memorial Sloane Kettering today. Joe is an amazing person and has been blessed by God. As you know from the past journal entries Dylan is a boy that was diagnosed on 01/22/04 with Pontine Glioma and has been healed.

January 22rd 2009-Afternoon

Cristian’s vent went from reading 10-12-14-16-18, etc… At around 4:30pm Cristian was put on C-Pap trial. Dr. Bob and Walker spoke about what is going on and both feel that the MRI, which is now definitely scheduled for 8pm tonight, is a very important one.

January 21st 2009

Doctors Walker, Pyne, Velaquez, and Bob spoke with me today on conference to discuss a Move Forward Game Plan. Dr. Bob, as you might know from our past Journal Entries, was the Doctor that is credited for helping Dylan ( combat Pontine Glioma.

January 20th 2009

Cristian was moved to Memorial Sloane Kettering’s POU-(Pediatrics Observation Unit) where they hope to soon start doing C-Pap trials, perhaps on Wednesday. C-Pap is when the vent is solely assisting Cristian’s respiration, but Cristian would be pretty much breathing on his own.