
January 23rd 2009-Morning

Joe, Dylan’s father (, came to visit Cristian at Memorial Sloane Kettering today. Joe is an amazing person and has been blessed by God. As you know from the past journal entries Dylan is a boy that was diagnosed on 01/22/04 with Pontine Glioma and has been healed. Joe attributes Dylan’s healing to Ray, Dr. Bob, Reiki, Protocel and a strict diet, all of which Cristian was on 3-4 weeks prior to going in the hospital for the shunt revision which up to this date still hasn’t come out. This protocol which Dylan was on never got a chance to show its effectiveness on Cristian. Joe spoke to Jenelle and I this morning and his story is so inspiring. We thank Joe so much for being such a messenger of God and taking time out of his busy schedule to come see Cristian. At 9:00am I received a phone call from Dr. Khakoo, who had reviewed the MRI which was done around 8:30pm last night. Dr. Khakoo told me that it appears Cristian’s tumor has increased by 25%. We are having a meeting at 3:00pm today to see how we are going to move forward and also to discuss the particulars of the MRI. It is obvious that the current treatment Cristian is on is not working. Jenelle and I spoke with each other and we’ve come to an agreement on what to do: we want to take Cristian off Chemo, keep Cristian on a light-medium dosage of Steroids, keep Cristian on the 4 alternative medicines (Ultimate Geo Cure #2, Ultimate Calcium, Ultimate Liquid Vitmains, Ultimate Minerals) and the stem cells, and put the rest in God’s hands. Dr. Khakoo says there are no other trials available for Cristian anyway and that the only other option would be to increase the dosages of the Chemo and I am not going to allow that. We have faith that God will inject Cristian with the ultimate healing medicine (God’s Touch). In the last 2 days, Cristian has shown signs of fatigue. He has been sleeping a lot, not been very alert or responsive, and incredibly swollen. This has been a difficult week to say the least..

John “Gungie” Rivera
Forever Cristian’s Daddy