September 8th 2008

Cristian spent the night with me on Saturday and Sunday and I am very concerned because the weakness on his right side and also his eyes seem to be getting worst. The surgery was suppose to improve this.

September 1st 2008

Cristian was released today. He is walking around a bit, but with difficulty. I visited Cristian at home and although he was still unable to get around he was still his bossy self and demanded me to take him home with me.

August 31st 2008

Cristian had many visitors today. They moved him out of a private room into a room with another patient.Cristian had a few episodes where he had severe pain. The nurses had to keep giving him Morphine. I didn’t want him released today.

August 30th 2008

Jenelle spent most of the day with the baby. After going home at 12 noon to sleep and shower I got to the hospital at 7pm. Just moving Cristian hurts. His grandmother spent the night and said the morphine made Cristian very talkative (LoL). I told Jenelle that i wasn’t uncomfortable with Cristian being released Sunday.

August 29th 2008

Today Cristian had the surgery. They Implanted the Shunt. When Cristian came out of surgery and was in recovery he was very talkative. Cristian was very drugged up. Cristian complained about pain in his head and stomach which is the two places he was operated on. He also said he was hungry and he was mad at his mommy for not feeding him (LoL).

August 28th 2008

Today Cristian had his weekly occupational and physical therapy then Jenelle and I met with the Surgeon who would do the procedure on Cristian, Dr.Souweidane. He gave us two options, option A – A shunt would be inserted in Cristian’s brain the size of a spaghetti, which will drain the fluids that have built up in his brain and relieve the pressure which are affecting his vision, walking and causing weakness on the right side of his body.

August 27th 2008

Today Cristian had an appointment with the Optician. The Optician said his vision was good but his right eye muscle was weak and Cristian cannot move it side to side or up and down due to the pressure the tumor was putting on the nerve that controls Cristian’s right eye.

August 25th 2008

Today I received a phone call from doctor Gershon he informed me that after taking a closer look at Cristian’s MRI, from Thursday August 21st, he noticed fluids building up in the center of his brain.

August 21st 2008

Today I received a phone call from doctor Gershon he informed me that after taking a closer look at Cristian’s MRI, from Thursday August 21st, he noticed fluids building up in the center of his brain. This is a very serious problem.