Nina Cammarata won a 5 Course Italian Cooking Class and Dinner with Chef Lucci from the 11th Celebrity Gala Auction

Nina Cammarata won a 5 Course Italian Cooking Class and Dinner with Chef Lucci from the 11th Celebrity Gala Auction

Last night Chef Nick Lucci prepared a phenomenal event for our auction winner @ninacam and friends. Nina won this 5 Course Italian Cooking Class and Dinner at her home for 10 People with wine and staff included during the live auction at our 11th Annual Celebrity Gala. There will be one-of-a-kind experiences like this and […]

June 2021 Newsletter – Summer Edition

June 2021 Newsletter – Summer Edition

It’s June! And with summertime comes barbecues, family trips, and hot weather (depending on where you live, of course). For the Cristian Rivera Foundation, Summer is not just a time for hanging out with family and friends, going on vacations, and relaxing. We are constantly at work to find a cure for DIPG, and until […]

Protecting Yourself from the Sun this Summer

Protecting Yourself from the Sun this Summer

June is finally here and with it comes outdoor activities and the inevitability of sun exposure. We all want to protect ourselves from the sun and its harmful UV rays and the best way to do that is with sunscreen. However, not all sunscreens were created equally. There are two main types of sunscreen that […]

It’s Almost Summer! Fun Childcare Options

It’s Almost Summer! Fun Childcare Options

The end of May and the beginning of June will be accompanied by the end of the school year.  This year has been an interesting format for school, including zoom classes and hybrid learning.  Whether your child has been home more lately, or is just getting back to in person learning, there are many options […]



I can hear the stream of beeps,A wavering line with unsteady gait,It smells too clean to be,Such a miserable place.And it is a miserable place,Where you can count each of the monitors,Beeping like some countdown clock,With unspecified time,Only the realization that it is short.Emotions bubble and well and seethe,Beneath the flushed flesh of my skin,They […]

May 2021 Newsletter – Brain Tumor Awareness Month

May 2021 Newsletter – Brain Tumor Awareness Month

May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month! Why the color gray for Brain Tumor Awareness Month? Gray matter in the brain are the parts that allow us to control our muscles, use our senses like seeing and hearing, store memories, feel emotions, allow us to speak, and make decisions. Gray seems like a boring color, but […]

May 17th Could Soon be National DIPG Awareness Day

May 17th Could Soon be National DIPG Awareness Day

On February 8th, 2019 a bill was brought before the house of representatives to make the day of May 17th “DIPG Awareness Day.”  The bill quite plainly laid out the plan for the federal government to designate one day a year to awareness for the aggressive form of brain cancer known as DIPG, as well […]