
Monday 12th of September 2016

Cristian, in a few Minutes it will be your 14th Bday. Instead of  Celebrating with You, I am Preparing the next 24 hours in Your Honor. I will set up Your Trains, and Do all the Fun Things we used to do Together. In just a few minutes, it will Mark the 8th Bday in a Row without you. I Love and Miss You so much. There is NOT ONE Day that goes by without me Thinking about you and wishing you were here. Wishing you were playing with. Your Brother JC, or your Baby Sister Sophia. I got news for you Cris, Sophia would give you a run for your Money. Sophia has your Spirit, Spunk, Personality and MOST of all, Sophia is BOSSY, just like YOU!  Although you are NOT here, you are always with me. I Often Stop in the Thomas Section of Toy Stores and Day Dream of us Playing with the Trains and how you would DEMAND I buy every single newly released Engine. You have inspired an Entire Army of Dedicated people who are helping to find a cure for the Horrible Brain Tumor that claimed your life. That Army is the Cristian Rivera Foundation and it consist of So Many Amazing People!!! I know I will see you again Cris, but until then, I will keep working hard to help find a cure for DIPG in your Honor!

I Love You 10 Cristian. “Full Steam Ahead”!!!!
Forever Your Daddy.