
September 12th 2008

Today Cristian had an MRI in order to further determine why the liquids aren’t draining. At this point Cristian’s eyes are crossed and can’t even keep balanced.

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September 11th 2008

September 11th,2001 the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers were hit by planes in a terrorist act. September 11th 2008 I was hit by something as well, “Bad News”. Dr Khakoo informed me that after examing Cristian she said his right side and eyes are getting worst.They did a scan and the fluids are not draining.

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September 9th 2008

Cherly Fischer responded to my e-mail stating that they will exam Cristian on Thursday 9/11/08 and the move foward game plan was to put Cristian back on the Avastin and Irotecan starting this Thursday 9/11/08.

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September 8th 2008

Cristian spent the night with me on Saturday and Sunday and I am very concerned because the weakness on his right side and also his eyes seem to be getting worst. The surgery was suppose to improve this.

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