Catching up with Jace Ward: 22-year-old DIPG Hero

Catching up with Jace Ward: 22-year-old DIPG Hero

Last week we were able to catch up with Lisa Ward, the mother of our dear friend and DIPG warrior Jace. For those of you who may remember, Jace attended our 11th Annual CRF Celebrity Gala in November of 2019 and blew the crowd away with his motivation and charm. He was diagnosed with DIPG […]

Promising New Drug Therapy to Fight DIPG

Promising New Drug Therapy to Fight DIPG

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma is a type of cancer that involves highly aggressive tumors located in the brainstem. It impacts many of the body’s functions such as breathing, eating, and movement. Around 300 children are diagnosed with DIPG in the United States every year. When diagnosed, most are given 9 to 12 months to live. […]

Beyond the Tumor: Fighting DIPG for 3+ Years

Beyond the Tumor: Fighting DIPG for 3+ Years

Weston Wiens is 5 ½ years old and was diagnosed with the horrible disease that is DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) on October 3, 2017. The average survival time after diagnosis is 9 months, yet Wes is still fighting 3 years later. Katie, Wes’s mother, says that it felt like her entire world was turned […]

How to Create Everlasting Memories with Your Child After Diagnosis

How to Create Everlasting Memories with Your Child After Diagnosis

DIPG is a horrific brain tumor that is a death sentence for a child who has barely lived their life. The average survival time after diagnosis is 9 months. These 9 months are crucial for loved ones to make lasting memories with their child. Fundraising and searching for clinical trials or forms of treatment can […]

Beyond the Tumor: Elyse vs. DIPG

Beyond the Tumor: Elyse vs. DIPG

DIPG is a wretched illness that takes children away from their families too quickly. Unlike many other cancers, chemotherapy and radiation often merely prolong life rather than save it. However, one little girl and her family in New Zealand took a different approach. Elyse Johnson is a sweet, loving little girl who was brought into […]

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Family

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Family

Valentine’s Day is a day when people celebrate their loved ones and is celebrated annually on February 14th. This holiday falls on a Sunday this year, which means that there is a whole day of celebrating with your kids. Here are some ideas on how to make memories with your children while staying safe during […]

Beyond the Tumor: Staying Positive and Keeping Hope

Beyond the Tumor: Staying Positive and Keeping Hope

Emily Hood was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) in February of 2019.  As a junior in high school and being only 17 years old at the time, this was a shocking diagnosis.  Where most people would have reacted with anger or bitterness, Emily described feeling calm.  She said she was ready and didn’t […]