Category: Daddy

Wednesday 9th of June 2010

Pontine Glioma, put me in touch with yet another father of a child diagnosed with the disease. Larry’s daughter Danielle is only six years old and she’s had Pontine Glioma since November of 2009. He seemed like a fighter and even reminded me a little of myself. We talked about the different types of treatment and it was so sad speaking with him. It brought back memories of Cristian, who was Danielle’s age when he died, and it reminded me that we are still so far from a cure.

Thursday 3rd of June 2010

On Tuesday, June 1st, I attended the 8th Annual Dream and Promise Awards Benefit for the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation at the Marriott Marquee Grand Ballroom. To have a foundation that’s been around for 22 years invite me to their event and recognize a foundation like mine-one that’s not even one year old-really felt good.