Category: Daddy

December 31st 2008

On my way to St. Mary’s to spend the night with Cristian, I called my uncle Fito in PA and Fito was in church and put me on speaker phone where dozens of people prayed for Cristian. It was beautiful. I am hoping 09 brings Cristian all the health and happiness he deserves.

December 25th 2008

Jenelle and I opened Cristian’s gifts for him and read him his Christmas cards. Cristian hasn’t been the same. Cristian looks tired and sad. We try everything to make him happy but I guess Cristian is very bored because he has seen all his almost 100 DVDs over and over again and we have read all his books to him.

December 18th 2008

Cristian had a pretty calm day today. Cristian did complain about stomach pains. Friday morning join us in prayer as Cristian goes back to Memorial Sloane Kettering for an MRI. We need to pray for good results.

December 17th 2008

I called Dr. Yadoo today and he was concerned about Cristian’s belly being distended. Cristian has been having severe stomach pains. Cristian has been gassy and retaining stool. Dr. Yadoo has increased the amount of myrilax so that his bowl movement can increase. Cristian is also on a new formula which is more elemental and easier for him to digest. Overall, Cristian had a good day and nothing out of the ordinary to report.

December 15th, 2008

Cristian is getting physical and occupational therapy mon thru fridays. We are hoping Cristian can regain use of his body. He sometimes goes to his rehab on a special wheelchair/ carriage/ stroller that is designed for kids like him.

December 13th 2008

Jenelle asked me if I have been hearing the noises coming out of Cristian’s Trach. I said that I have and Jenelle says that the noises are Cristian using his vocal chords , trying to control them and perhaps trying to speak. I sure hope and pray that he can speak to us again.

December 8th 2008

We meet with the entire team at St. Mary’s to go over Cristian’s game plan / expectations, and basically just to get acquainted with each other. Cristian was then moved to a private room, he seems to be comfortable in the private room.

December 7th 2008

I went to see Cristian today and we watched Madagascar part 2. I massaged him and took a nap with him. Cristian says he isn’t feeling well. The staff keeps giving Cristian morphine for the pain.