The Children’s Charity

Check out this foundation! The Children’s Charity is a student-run non-profit based in Miami that we had the pleasure of talking with recently. They work to bring joy to children in hospitals to help them heal through annual fundraisers and various collections for local hospitals and organizations. They also work to spread awareness for pediatric diseases, much like we do! Their work is impressive and admirable and we are excited to see where they go in the future.

The Children’s Charity all began with the dream of the founder Alexandra Lugo. Once she did some research on environmental effects on pediatric patient recovery and on ways to get involved, she began to implement her ideas, making her dream a reality. She was only in high school when she started her foundation and the work she has been able to do so far has been amazing! From collecting stuffed animals for local hospitals through Bears for Babies drives to donating school supplies through a project called Crafts for Children to even collecting get-well cards for a child in the hospital during COVID-19 through Cards for Anthony, the fundraisers and donations that The Children’s Charity has been able to do have made a great impact on pediatric patients in their community!

Now The Children’s Charity is looking to expand its reach and help more children! They’ve implemented ambassador programs at other schools and are now looking to spread further. We are so excited to help them do this through collaborations and by helping get the word out about them! Stay tuned for our future collaborations with them!

To learn more about them check out their social media and website:

Facebook: @thechildrenscharityorg

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