
Tag: New

The 2nd Annual Cristian Rivera Foundation Gala Will Take Place Tuesday October 19th at Quo in New York City

  Tuesday, October 19th at Quo in New York City will be the 2nd Annual Cristian Rivera Foundation Gala. Join us to celebrate the life of Cristian Rivera. Your attendance will mean the world to the Cristian Rivera Foundation and will help save the lives of children suffering from Pontine Glioma. Keep checking back or […]

New Jersey Day Care Center Supports the Cristian Rivera Foundation

  The Cristian Rivera Foundation continues to touch people’s hearts with its mission to cure inoperable pediatric brain stem tumor Pontine Glioma. Jeannie Perez, of Newark, NJ’s Family Affair Childcare, created a banner inviting families at her daycare center and in the community to support the Cristian Rivera Foundation. She even offered a period of […]