May 7th 2008

Cristian is not eating at all. If he eats two meals a day it is a lot. It is a struggle to get him to eat right. We tried a Gluton Free diet and he wouldn’t eat anything and now a sugar free diet and the same.

May 1st 2008

Cristian has been taken off Steriods. This decision came from the team at Memorial Sloan Kettering. We didn’t think the steroids were effective anymore anyway.

April 28th 2008

Even though we know Cristian got great results on this first MRI on 4/14/08, while on the new treatment, we are concerned with Cristian’s weakness on his right side.

April 14th 2008

Cristian Had his first MRI since being on the new treatment (The combination of Bevacizumab and Irinotecan). We were very pleased with the results. Cristian’s Tumor decreased in size approximately 15 percent!

March 2008

Our dear friend Ralph Mercado Sr. Had fellow Christian Ismael Miranda (also the salsa signer from Fania Records) visit him at home. Ismael Miranda along with a fellow Pastor prayed for Ralph Sr. after the prayer was over he declared Ralph Sr.

October 30, 2007

Today was Cristian’s MRI, and it read that his tumor has not grown and is currently stable. We believe that the new treatment is helping. Like I mentioned before this treatment is not a cure. My hope is that this medicine will help Cristian until we do find a cure.

October 26, 2007

First and foremost I would like to thank you for taking the time to stop by our page. This is my first time writing a journal entry. It has been 9 months since our son was diagnosed.

Hanging Tough: A Family Calamity Hits Puerto Rican Nightlife Impresario By Brian Niemietz

Life’s a party for John Gungie” Rivera. Or so it might seem. A fixture on the New York City club and music scene for more than a quarter century, Gungie – a nickname his dad gave him based on the first word the boy spoke – has been there, done that, then gone back and […]