
Category: News

Congratulations to the 2023 Cristian Rivera Foundation
Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the 2023 Cristian Rivera Foundation
Raffle Winners

Winners Are: 1st Prize:2 Premium Tickets to a NY Yankees Game (2023 Season) Aldo Marin (#1425) 2nd Prize:Apple iPad Monica De Los Rios (#3374) 3rd Prize:$200.00 Dinner Gift Card to Con Sofrito Restaurant Cynthia Lane-Hand (#1607)

Working Towards A Cure: Read the Latest DIPG News!

Working Towards A Cure: Read the Latest DIPG News!

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas do not have a cure.  There are many doctors and researchers working to find the solution to this terrible disease. The tumor is inoperable due to its delicate location in the pons.  This area controls vital functions such as breathing and heart rate.  The growth pattern of this type of tumor […]

Full Steam Ahead: Promising Research Results and New Funding for DIPG

Full Steam Ahead: Promising Research Results and New Funding for DIPG

As we enter 2021, things are looking promising for the research side of DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma)! In particular, there have been discoveries at the University of Michigan using mice models that could lead to a new treatment.  Researchers also received a large grant to fund their DIPG project in Switzerland and Norway.  We […]

A Conversation with Dr. Kathy Warren of the Dana Farber Institute

A Conversation with Dr. Kathy Warren of the Dana Farber Institute

Dr. Kathy Warren is a unique and caring woman who is committed to her work in finding a cure for DIPG. She has a special relationship with the Cristian Rivera Foundation having been awarded the 2019 Vision of Hope Award at last year’s gala for all her efforts. She currently works as the clinical director […]

Mark Souweidane and Team Discover New Findings from their Pediatric Neuro-oncology Research

Mark Souweidane and Team Discover New Findings from their Pediatric Neuro-oncology Research

Our medical partner, Dr. Mark Souweidane, and his talented team of researchers have just published three new academic articles on their current findings in pediatric neuro-oncology. Each article reveals progress and cautious optimism towards treating DIPG and other brain tumors. We’re incredibly proud and grateful for their hard work! You can find the articles below […]