
Friday 26th of October 2007

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

OCT. 26TH,2007

First and foremost I would like to thank you for taking the time to stop by our page. This is my first time writing a journal entry. It has been 9 months since our son was diagnosed. When I sit here and try and remember all the details from January 2007 when our lives would be forever changed till now I must admit it’s a bit of a blur. I wish i would have started a journal back then, but mentally I wasn’t prepared. It was so much to take in, I really have to thank God for giving us all the strength and support of amazing family & friends for bringing us this far. I will gather all my information so that I can write a more accurate summary of the past nine months. If you look at the “Treatment Plan” section of our website you can see a brief summary of what meds and treatments Cristian has received thus far.

What we are doing now:
On Aug. 2nd, 2007 Cristian received an MRI which showed that his tumor was beginning to grow again. Because he had already finished his maximum amount of radiation in the previous months, it wasn’t an option to do it again. Honestly we had little options left. After speaking with Dr. Stephen Gilheeney one his doctor’s from the Neuro-oncology team at Memorial Sloan Kettering. He suggested phase 2 of a clinical trial he was participating in. This clinical trial consists of administering once weekly, intravenous Temisirolimus. The doctor explained that this is a drug that has been previously used in adults with tumors and has shown signs of stabilizing tumors and in some cases shrinking them. This clinical trial is the the first time they have tried using this drug with children. With clinical trials come side affects, some small, some big. Thank God till this date Cristian has tolerated the medicine extremely well with no side effects at all. His last MRI in Sept. 25th,2007 after about approx. a month and a half on being on Temisirolimus, showed that his tumor was stable and had not grown. Because it was too soon to tell we are not sure if it was due to the new meds or not. Cristian has another MRI scheduled for Oct. 30th, 2007. We are praying that his tumor is still stable, and I ask that you please keep him in your prayers. This drug is not a cure, it’s hopefully something that can give us more time until we do find a cure.
Thank you and God Bless,
Jenelle & John

Since this site is new we don’t have all of our info up just yet, if you are parent and have questions that we weren’t able to answer please feel free to email us at or
i will be glad to help in anyway I can.