Cristian Rivera Foundation 2017
December Newsletter
The Ninth Annual Cristian Rivera Foundation Celebrity Gala was a huge success. It was truly a special night in honor of all our DIPG Angels. We would like to thank everyone who supported us by attending, sponsoring, and donating. Also, a big thank you to all our Board of Directors, Committee Members, Committee Friends, award presenters and award recipients, for their continuous support. Lastly, a special thank you to Dr. Mark Souweidane and Dr. Oren Becher for working tirelessly towards finding a cure for DIPG. Their dedication is highly appreciated in our journey to find a cure for DIPG
The Cristian Rivera Foundation recently visited the Weill Cornell Medical Center to give a $125,000.00 check to Dr. Mark Souweidane. Within the next few weeks, we will give Dr. Oren Becher a check and that will put the Cristian Rivera Foundation at the One Million Dollar (1,000,000.00) mark in monies donated to research and trials for the cure of DIPG and families who have been affected by this disease. Through the work of these doctors, we are closer than ever to saving the 200 young children who are diagnosed with DIPG every year. This past gala, Dr. Oren Becher stated in his speech, “I am very grateful for the funds that the Cristian Rivera Foundation has given me over the years. Thanks to funding, in the past year we have identified one promising medication that we hope to test on children with DIPG in 2018”. As one can see through Dr. Oren Becher’s statement, we are getting close to finding a cure for DIPG
The holidays are an important time to spend with the ones you love, and also a sad time for DIPG families all around the world. Families that are affected by DIPG are either marking these special occasions without their child or preparing for what they know will be the last holiday to spend with them. Thanks to the countless amount of support we have received, one day families will not have to fear DIPG. Your generosity means a lot to not only us, but also to the many DIPG families who have had to suffer because of this horrific disease. Even though our foundation has great supporters, we could always use more. For this reason, we ask you to hop on board and consider helping our foundation. You can be a part of the journey of finding a cure for DIPG, and we can make 2018 the year we say goodbye to this disease.
Speaking of great supporters and being part of our journey, CRF’s highlighted Member of the Month is Cristian Rivera Foundation Committee Member Jarrad Seuferling. Jarrad has been an incredible addition to our team.
Who is Jarrad Seuferling?
I am the Vice President of MAS Security Associates. I have worked in the security and nightlife industry for over 20 years. I have brokered dozens of deals in the entertainment industry and am passionate about helping others. Uniting people to elevate businesses is one of my top priorities. I am a proud husband and father of two and have been a Committee Member for one year.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Cristian Rivera Foundation?
I love the team work and unity of our foundation. We are like a family. It feels so good when I see the progress that we’re making. When I hear about the progress the two doctors have made, I get happy because I know that one day a cure for DIPG will come. I am inspired by John ‘Gungie’ Rivera and Andy Epstein who are really great leaders.
What is your proudest moment as a Cristian Rivera Foundation Committee Member?
As a Cristian Rivera Foundation Committee Member, my proudest moment was a few days ago when I learned that once we give Dr. Oren Becher his check, we will have reached the One Million Dollar Donated mark.
As Jarrad said, we are so proud of reaching the One Million Dollar Mark and none of this could be possible without your help.
All donations to the Cristian Rivera Foundation are tax deductible and money raised by the Cristian Rivera Foundation goes to the suffering families, doctors and hospitals working tirelessly towards finding a find for the deadly pediatric brain tumor known as DIPG.
To get your donation in before 2017 is over, visit
All donations are appreciated and go a long way. Please be sure to follow us on Twitter @TweetCRF, Instagram @cristianriverafoundation and like us on Facebook at to stay up to date on the latest news and all of our exciting new upcoming events for the New Year!
Have a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year.