April 2, 2021

Day: April 2, 2021

Dylan Jude Harrell

Dylan Jude Harrell

Seeing your child in the hospital is a horrible thing to witness. For Dylan’s parents, this was a reality. Dylan first experienced symptoms of DIPG when she was in daycare and her eye started moving inwards. Her parents went to visit the ophthalmologist, who told them that nothing was wrong. Later on, she began experiencing […]

The Toll of COVID-19 on Pediatric Cancer Screenings

The Toll of COVID-19 on Pediatric Cancer Screenings

On January 31st, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency. Less than two months later, on March 11th, the WHO officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Since then we have all been experiencing on and off lockdowns and our whole lives changed. We all had to get used to a new […]