16th Annual
Cristian Rivera Foundation Celebrity Gala
Sponsorship Opportunities

16th Annual Cristian Rivera Foundation Celebrity Gala Sponsorship Opportunities

Wednesday November 12, 2025 6:30p-11:30p

Cipriani: 55 Wall St, New York, NY 10005


Presenting Sponsor: Receives TWO premium tables (10 seats per table) in the 1st row, YOUR LOGO AS PRESENTING SPONSOR ON EACH AUCTION PADDLEYOUR LOGO MOST PROMINENTLY PLACED ON THE STEP-AND-REPEAT ON THE RED CARPET (which is photographed by the press over 30,000 times and always the most highly raved-about feature of the night by attendees), FULL-PAGE AD ON THE BACK COVER, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, features on our slideshow at the event, and more.

Platinum sponsorship: Receives a premium table (10 seats per table) in the 2nd row, your logo prominently placed on the step-and-repeat on the red carpet, a full-page ad in the program, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, features on our slideshow at the event, and more.

Gold sponsorship: Receives a premium table (10 seats per table) in the 3rd row, your logo on the step-and-repeat on the red carpet, a half-page ad in the program, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, features on our slideshow at the event, and more.

Silver sponsorship: Receives 6 seats in the 4th row, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, and features on our slideshow at the event.

Bronze sponsorship: Receives 2 seats in the 5th row, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, and features on our slideshow at the event.

In-Kind sponsorship: Receives 2 seats in the 5th row, branding with your logo in our invitations and media kit, and features on our slideshow at the event.

Please view our complete sponsorship deck for exact details on each sponsorship level. For inquiries or to discuss the specifics of a $10,000.00 In-Kind Sponsorship valued in donated products, please contact our corporate office at (551) 313-0163 or
by email info@cristianriverafoundation.org.